Active Spam Killer Active Spam Killer
© 2001-2005 by Marco Paganini
Current Stable:

Current Beta:

New Versions
Very Low traffic.

ASK Users
Discussion & Questions.

My name is
Marco Paganini. My interests include computers, photography, hiking and biking. I also keep a mostly technical blog at

Contributed Software

ASK Maintenance
ASK Maintenance is a Web-based front-end by Peter Elsner. It allows easy editing of the lists and queue maintenance. Perl 5.6.1 or better is required. For a live demo, visit the ASK Maintenance demo page and login as user "testuser", password "testing".

ASK for Windows
ASK for windows (afw) adds Windows compatibility to ask by wrapping it in a pop3 client/server pair. Afw includes a full web interface to the ask mail queue, its filtering lists, user administration, and module options. In addition, afw allows an unlimited number of users, each of whom can define an unlimited number of remote pop3 servers to poll.

Spam Resistor
Spam resistor, by Andreas Huttenrauch, is a mail service offering ASK protection and a mail account. It is priced at $9 per month, with discount for volume and corporate setups.

ASK Mini-HOWTO in French
A quick mini-HOWTO on how to install ASK (in French). Thanks to Francois Van Der Biest for this contribution.

If you developed a tool or script related to ASK, let me know and I'll add it to the list. Please report any broken links in this list.